Sunday, May 14, 2017

gentrification: aburguesamiento

For some reason the term gentrification is widely imported into Spanish, even though there's this
other great option that is more easily understood by first time listeners. Maybe it's a neologism, maybe I sort of made it up years ago - though others seem to have as well as it has at least a little googlage (including the translation of this abstract of a great geography article that connects it to gendered fear in Toronto). But hey, in French gentrification is embourgeoisement, so it's a clear parallel.

Not sure how I would render the version gentrifuckation, that's a bit harder.

(and thanks to the commenters who caught my initial misspelling as aburgesamiento)


Unknown said...


atenea said...

Hi, Sara. Must confess that it'd have never occurred to me... gentrificación has made its way into popular lingo and my guess is that it's here to stay. In any case, the other option should read "aburguesamiento," you might want to check the spelling.
