Monday, March 29, 2010
falsos positivos (yet again!)
I keep posting about this term because it drives me crazy. It is such a dangerous euphemism! I ran into another proposal for what to call them in the video above (which has a part two), where they suggest simply calling them 'state crimes'. Of course it's not just any crime, it's assassination, presented as a (fake) combat death. It occurs to me that "assassination by the state" is more clearly understandable, and sounds more like the crime that it is, than the more legalistic term I've suggested before of 'extrajudicial execution'. But neither implies that the dead are then presented as a fake combat kill. Thoughts?
Ojo, the video is melodramatic and the translation of the subtitles is not great, but it's still important good work worth watching.
Monday, March 22, 2010
interpreting tips: emotion

"You have to modulate your voice so it conveys sentiment, not drama. For example, when someone cries or laughs, you are not expected to laugh or cry, but you should modulate your voice accordingly such that the nonverbal elements of the source- language message are not completely lost to the target language listener. If someone is crying and you are using a cheerful voice to interpret what that person is saying, the target language listener cannot possibly get to remorse a source language speaker may be trying to convey, or the sense of loss and tragedy, just from the words alone. Your performance has to carry the emotional aspect across languages as well.
Also, part of your responsibility as an interpreter is to bring all that feeling across from the source language to the target language without laying it on too thick. When you do, the attention shifts from the witness and what the witness has to say, to you and how you are putting on a show for the jury and everyone else in the courtroom."
moral? not NO intonation or inflection, but also not too much.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
no basta rezar
(from the classic movement song in the above video)
no, no, no basta rezar, hacen falta muchas cosas para conseguir la paz:
no, no, it's not enough to pray, there's a lot of work to do to make peace come our way
heh. pleased with the rhyme!
Monday, March 8, 2010
funny video about the different meanings of pendejo and coger. from a priest no less! from the fabulous narco news.
Monday, March 1, 2010
interpreters are organizing
this video is from a great campaign to try to save interpreting services in Washington state and allow interpreters union organizing rights.
Victory #1: More than 200 Interpreters came to Olympia to demand lawmakers listen to our concerns!
Victory #2: We got the funding for interpreters restored in the budget! ($16 million restored!) Finally lawmakers see how important the work of interpreters really is.
Victory #3: We won a majority of votes in the Senate for our bill.
Victory #4 is close: Now we must win a majority of votes in the House of Representatives before Fri.
We need your help. if you are in Washington state, please:
Please call and email your House of Representative lawmakers today and ask them to support interpreters by passing ESSB 6726.
It will take 2 minutes. Your phone call and email may make the difference between winning or losing a voice for interpreters to improve this professional. Please call today!
Just call 1-800-562-6000 and they will connect you with your appropriate lawmakers for your legislative district. You have 2 Representatives in the House of Representatives and 1 Senator. Make sure you leave messages or speak to all 3. Follow up with an email asking for their support.
What do you say when you call? " Please pass ESSB 6726 and give collective bargaining rights to interpreters!"
full campaign page here
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