Speak up! speak out! let me hear you! : !Hagase escuchar! :
(CHANGED to alza la voz! thanks to Atenea - see comments)
This one comes thanks to my colleagues: Ken Barger, who posed the question in regards to speak up, and Diana Meredith, who came up with this great rendition.
This is a phrase you often see on flyers and brochures in English that ask folks to take action, call a politician, etc.. Speak up and speak out seem to be used interchangeably. Verbally, in a rally setting, I could imagine someone calling out 'let me hear you!' and 'hagase escuchar' would also work for that I think.
The art here is from the movement artist Rini Templeton. Her family has made all of her images open for public use at riniart.org