Sunday, November 29, 2015

tar sands: arenas bituminosas

The type of oil that comes out of the tar sands is called bitumen, which is spelled the same in Spanish, though in English the accent is on the i and in Spanish on the u. 

I was part of the fabulous global day of action for climate change today. May the leaders in Paris for COP21 follow our lead! Here in Toronto we marched in the dark with lights, lighting the way to the 100% possible goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050. Canada has long been a pariah at these talks, in part because of the huge impact of the Canadian tar sands, on both the climate and on Canadian politics. It is a huge relief that it is Justin Trudeau representing us now instead of Harper, here's hoping that he comes through on his promises this week in Paris.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

windmill: turbina eólica (molino de viento)

As a follow-up to last weeks wind farm post, the matching term would be turbina eólica - but I think the more common term is molino de viento. Yesterday I drove from Ontario to Michigan and drove by hundreds of new ones - they continue to get bigger and better.

I got a chance this week to see Naomi Klein's great film This Changes Everything about climate chaos and renewable energy. I highly recommend it. It's available on itunes. Check out the trailer below.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

wind farm: parque eólico

O mas formalmente parque de energia eólica, o proyecto de energia eólica. Wind energy seria energia eólica

Lo aprendí en este lindisimo video abajo de brigadas de paz sobre algunos de los defensores del medioambiente que ellos protegen en Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala y Colombia. Lo raro es que en el video no hablan para nada de que es brigadas y como funciona, que bien lo hubieran podido mencionar siquiera al puro final. Pero bueno, el video es lindo y tiene unas tomas bellisimas, la recomiendo, aunque en general los subtitulos tienen muchos lunares.