Duque, the newly elected right-wing president of Colombia, won in some part by repeating lies about trickle-down economics that he learned from US Republicans. As argued by Luis Carlos Reyes in a recent NYT op-ed:
"... claimed that the Colombian government was bloated
and that taxation levels were extremely high. Americans are used to
hearing this canard when discussing their own tax system, and those who
bother to look up the statistics know this to be false: Whereas average
tax revenues in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development countries are around 34 percent of the gross domestic
product, in the United States they hover around 26 percent. It is
downright alarming, then, that the same claim could be successfully made
in a country like Colombia, where tax revenues are a modest 20 percent
of a much smaller GDP, well below O.E.C.D. and Latin American averages.
president-elect Mr. Duque adopted the Republican rhetoric according to
which “job creators” are treated unfairly, and he campaigned for tax
reductions for these “creadores de empleo.”
The fact of the matter, however, is that the rich receive preferential
treatment, and even more so in Colombia than in the United States.
2010 — the latest year for which data in Colombia are available — the
effective tax rate paid by the top 1 percent of income earners was 11.5 percent, a bargain compared with the 23 percent paid by the top 1 percent in the United States during that same year. ...."
Isis Giraldo here offers a more detailed analysis of how this retrograde ideology is being used to deepen inequality in Colombia, which regularly ranks in the top 5 or 10 most unequal countries in the world.
Isis Giraldo here offers a more detailed analysis of how this retrograde ideology is being used to deepen inequality in Colombia, which regularly ranks in the top 5 or 10 most unequal countries in the world.