Sunday, July 29, 2007


ableism: capacitadismo my invention. much faster than "discriminacion contra los discapacitados" when you're doing simultaneous. picked up by other interps at the US Social Forum but maybe not quite right, see comments


Andrea Parra said...

don't like it because the word capacitado is not associated with an able-bodied person but with someone with training so in my head there's no reference to use capacitadismo.
I rather stay with the more wordy phrase discriminación contra discapacitados/as o personas con discapacidad. Spanish cannot always be sinthetized or adverbed as english.

Sara Koopman said...

strange though how DIScapaticado has such a difft association that CApacitado, no?
and the thing is that the wordy phrase is just impOsible on fast simultaneous ...