Wednesday, November 26, 2008

climate crisis

climate crisis: crisis del clima

love this video - I think it does a great job of breaking it down and explaining the tipping point (punto limite? other suggestions?). anyone want to help translate it into Spanish? if you can do the whole thing, or just part, email

Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip from Leo Murray on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


creepy: hormigueante

creepy, according to wiktionary:
  1. producing an uneasy fearful sensation, as of things crawling over one's skin
  2. strangely repulsive
my friend Jonathan suggested the dictionary site Tomisimo, which came up with hormigueante. good! much better than what word reference came up with (espeluznante)

(thanks to the fab beehive collective for the image)

Saturday, November 8, 2008


cheesy: cursi

cheesy, according to the wiktionary = of poor quality through being overdramatic, excessively emotional or clichéd

cursi, por la RAE = Se dice de un artista o de un escritor, o de sus obras, cuando en vano pretenden mostrar refinamiento expresivo o sentimientos elevados.